Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what i've been crafting lately

Besides the fact that I'm having some sinus issues and fluid in my ears (resulting in some dizziness and medicine that makes me extremely groggy), I have been enjoying my Spring Break. There are probably a million things I could be doing around the house, but I'd rather spend my time crafting. Okay, so I'm balancing both - don't worry, I'm not avoiding my responsibilities. But, hey, this is Spring Break. I'm supposed to be enjoying it, right?

Here are two of several projects I've done this week:

100 Ideas (2)

100 Ideas

While surfing the web, I found a great idea by Keri Smith. She listed a post of 100 ideas to try to boost your creativity. I wanted to document my interpretation of these ideas, so I created an odd-shaped journal. Keri provides a PDF of all the ideas, which I downloaded and printed off. I then glued each idea on a separate page. Something neat for when I'm in a creative stump.

Felt Bible Cover (2)

Felt Bible Cover (3)

Another thing I've been working on is a new cover for my Bible. Before I went on summer missions to Virginia in 2002, I bought myself a New Living Translation Bible. I loved it! First, the translation was beautiful. Second, the Bible was tiny, so it could easily fit in my purse or backpack. Since then, this particular Bible has been with me all over the U.S. and to Russia. I couldn't part with it even though it was becoming worn.

For my birthday two years ago, Jason bought me a new Bible. Oh it was fine, but I felt odd setting my little friend aside. Granted, the Bible is the Bible. The words do not change. But, have you ever read a book before, fell in love with it, and no other printing of it compares to your dog-eared copy that you grew to love?

I also feel this way about my Chronicles of Narnia books that my mother bought for me from a Scholastic Book Club when I was in 2nd grade. This was long before Narnia ever became a movie. In fact, this was so long ago that the books were numbered according to the time they were published. So, the first book was the not the first book chronologically, but the first book C.S. Lewis published in the series. And, that's how I read the entire series. Completely out of chronological order, but in the order the author intended. I couldn't imagine reading it any other way. Alas, those books became worn over time (and I lent one of them to an ex-boyfriend who wasn't an ex at the time, but then we broke up and things were awkward...and needless to say, I lost the book). I considered replacing them, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I did manage to find a used copy online that looks exactly like the others.

All of this to say...that's how much THIS copy means to me. And, it's been sitting in my project pile waiting for a chance to be used again.

You just don't know how much this excites me. Seriously. I completely understand the line in You've Got Mail where Meg Ryan smiles joyously about "bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils."

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see the inside of your 100 ideas journal!
    And your Bible cover is beautiful. I must try this.
